Where Does It All Begin.

The last thing I now need is a semi-autobiographical story. What I am attempting to do is to write stories/ novels with a touch of humour, romance, and lots of sex. But then, my writing about sex would unquestionably be subpar after watching 365 Days and Fifty Shades, but it would, nevertheless, exist. Even teens have no qualms about discussing casual sex these days. Hence, what is a movie or a book without romance/ sex? The receptionist mentioned above would have delivered that, but then Pops would have re-christened me as John Bobbitt. But every time I put pen to paper, my Pops manages to creep in. Perhaps, ChatGPT and these AI tools may finally help me in lending that alternative flavour to these Pop experiences - and I may be able to write a book after all. Movies have teasers, so, why not books ? Consider this as one...

Football and Qatari Economics.

More than a decade ago, it was announced that the 2022 FIFA World Cup would be held in Qatar; it is now nearing completion. This is simply a look back at the journey that led Qatar to the position it now holds by hosting the world's largest sporting event. Qatar is no longer a small thumb-shaped Gulf island. They have made their presence known and told their story on a truly global scale.

Role Of Headlines in Content Marketing

Content Marketing Strategies, are worthless, if one is unable to sell. Because, on an average, FIVE times as many people read the HEADLINE than the Body Copy. HEADLINES are the first impression that people will have of your content and can have a significant impact on open rates. Hence, your content's HEADLINES should not only be an integral element of your Content Marketing Strategy, but it should also have a meaning, be captivating, and be able to stand alone,

Sociopaths, Narcissists and Empaths

The misconception that sociopaths and narcissists are smarter than empaths is wrong! Too many people’s surprise, empaths are intellectually superior to sociopaths and narcissists.Empaths are grounded in reality, capable of abstract thought, and they are creative. Narcissists and sociopaths lack all three of these traits. Empaths have the intellect and the creativity to manipulate and... Continue Reading →

The Little Sausage

I checked what’s trending on the net to identify new keywords for SEO and my content marketing, and I see the word PIGGY. Anyway, I need to write something about it. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire PIG, just to get a little SAUSAGE!

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